Thursday, February 10, 2011


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  1. Hi , this is my first post, i want to share you my favorite album of Brad Paisley. It 's just 5 leaks of album, i dont have all. But Hope you like it . Like me. lol

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    Have fun

  2. The price of gasoline is continuously fluctuating. Most times, its sky high!

    Here are some tips for you to save gasoline.

    1. Tune up your automobile usually. Inadequate running condition eats up much more gasoline.

    2. Plan your route ahead of time. This avoids taking unnecessary driving.

    3. Use your aircon sparingly. You are able to turn the aircon on for a couple of minutes then turn it off
    and allow the fan circulate the cool air in the car. Don't open the windows whenever you aircon is on.

    4. Maintain the windows closed when travelling at high pace for less air friction.
    Open windows drag the pace and lower gasoline mileage.

    5. Don't idle your engine for lengthy periods of time.

    6. Do not travel at quick speeds in reduced gears unless you need the compression to slow down.

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    9. When the price for gas is higher, don't fill up. Wait until it goes down.
    You don't want to give an impression to oil companies that you are willing to buy gasoline at any price.

    10. Lastly, buy autos that have great gas mileage.

    11. Do not forget to cover your automobile.


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